Anyone that plays a sport knows that every body is different. That may sound like some motivational saying, but it is true; it is physiological science. And it is a good thing that every body is different because when you put a team out there on the field, you want complimentary skills and body types. That is how you make a diverse team without a weakness.
So, if everybody’s physical body is different, then why do most trainers put you through a cookie cutter program?
Now, we say this all the time, “Some physical activity is better than no physical activity.” And cookie cutter programs might work great with your average population of people trying to get a bit healthier. But a cookie cutter program will not work for the serious athlete. And if you are looking to gain an edge on the field, then you are going to want to take your workout to the next level. If everyone did the same workout, then nobody on the field would have an edge. Everyone would benefit equally. And you are looking to get ahead.
And that is part of what Core1 stands for. It stands for the fact that everyone is different; that everyone has specific needs to their sport and their role on the team; that everyone has a different body and needs unique training. Core1 means to look out for number one; to focus on yourself with unique workouts; to be the one that rises above the rest.
You are not going to find cookie cutter approaches here at Core1. You are just going to find the best sports enhancement training in Downers Grove, Illinois. You will be assessed by a qualified and experienced sports performance enhancement trainer when you step through those doors. And a workout high-level workout regimen will be tailored to your body type and your sport’s unique demands.