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Are You Really What You Eat?
Looking At Lifestyle One of the biggest problems for young athletes when it comes to good eating habits is that a lifestyle of going to...

Understanding Sports Nutrition For Younger Athletes
Nutrition is every bit as important as your exercise routine, and eating properly will not only enhance your performance, but will also...

Nutrition And Your Fitness
Here are a few things to remember when it comes to your fitness and your nutrition. • Energy is tied directly to your diet. Sugar, fats,...

6 Free Websites Full of Athlete-Enhancing Goodness
If your first thought upon seeing this post’s title was, “But Jim, why do I need anything but the CORE1 blog?” Then pat yourself on the...

Holiday Eating Like a Champ
Alright, let’s face it. July 4th is this week, and chances are – you’re going to pig out. Now before you think this is a post about...
Stopping for fast food? Keep these 7 restaurants and tips in mind!
A few weeks ago we talked about reasons to ditch the drive thru. Well, in a perfect world no one would go through the drive thru or eat...