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Coming Off The Bench With New Strength
The mind is a powerful weapon!

Focusing on Possibility With Sports Performance
One of the most feared injuries that any athlete can suffer is damage to the ACL. This ligament is responsible for stability in the knee...

Injuries Are Not Just Events In Time
Many student athletes will approach injuries as though they are isolated events. You have probably had the experience of getting hurt,...

Functional Movements Can Help Athletes Heal
The use of physical therapy for a better path to healing has been widely recognized throughout the medical community. This type of...

Building Better Bodies (One Injury At A Time)
Sports physical therapy in Downers Grove is one of our main points of focus at Core1Inc. Along with sports enhancement training, we are...

Healing As An Action And A State Of Mind
Physical therapy as an action based treatment that can be used to speed healing and recovery. Although much of physical therapy in...

Healing Is A Process, Not An Event
One of the problems that we see a lot at Core 1 Inc. is that athletes can treat recovery like it is an event that just needs to be waited...

Staying Active While You Are Resting Keeps You Fit
Physical therapy for young athletes is one way of helping to ensure that performance capacity is maintained and even surpassed after the...

In Shape To Get Healthy
From a physical standpoint, the results can be similar. While you are resting up and letting the injury heal, your other muscles are also...

Why Sitting One Out Can Actually Lead To A Longer Run
Everyone's body will heal a little differently, and this can also depend upon whether you have sustained a sprain, strain, or tear....

Why Sports Physical Therapy Is So Important
At Core 1 Inc., we have years of experience in helping athletes recover from injuries. Sports physical therapy in Downers Grove is an...

Athletes-Only Physical Therapy. Serious Rehab for Serious Athletes
The truth of the matter is that most of those treatment offices out there are designed to help an aging population with every day pain....

Following Proper Form
One of the most dangerous things that come about from improper form is a strength imbalance. When you use poor form, muscles that are not...

What To Expect From Physical Therapy
First, that ‘mental’ aspect is worth focusing on for a second. Your overall mindset going into physical therapy will have a tremendous...

How To Avoid Sports Physical Therapy
At Core 1 Inc., we believe it’s important to know more about just what sports physical therapy in Downers Grove is and how it can help...
How Can You Recover From Tendinitis Fast?
One of the most common injuries experienced by athletes from many walks of life is tendinitis. During a bout of tendinitis, a tendon and...
When Should You Seek Treatment For A Sports Injury?
Are you looking for sports physical therapy facility in Downers Grove? Sports physical therapy in Downers Grove and the surrounding area...
Beyond Stretching: How Can You Prevent Sports Injuries?
Everyone knows that it is important to stretch to make sure that your body is fully prepared for a workout or a game. When you stretch,...
When Is It The Right Time To Use Heat For A Sports Injury?
Have you recently been injured while playing your favorite sport? If so, sports physical therapy in Downers Grove could be the fastest...
Massage Can Help You Recover Faster And Stronger, Too
When you are looking for a Downers Grove Athletes Only Physical Therapy facility, you are probably like other hardcore Downers Grove...
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