Body Physics And How This Affects Your Performance
One of the traits that all really great athletes share is a strong degree of body awareness and an understanding of body mechanics. The...
Body Physics And How This Affects Your Performance
How Working Out The Kinks Can Improve Your Form
What Really Makes You Strong?
What To Expect From Physical Therapy
How to Run Faster, Part 2
Identify Your Weaknesses to Build a Training Plan
Why Stretching is an Essential Part of a Performance Based Athletic Program
Knee Pain in High School Runners Linked to Hip Strength Imbalances
Treating Ankle Injuries with Sports Physical Therapy and Lace-Up Braces
Think golf isn’t a sport? Tell that to Tiger Woods.
How to Identify and Treat Pulled Hamstring
Developing a Fast Twitch
Tap the Expertise of a Personal Trainer to Truly Realize the Benefits of Core Strengthening
Balance Disc