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What’s Involved In Surpassing Your Greatest Expectations?
The point is that sometimes, being great is not good enough. You may be the star on your football or gymnastics team, but in your heart,...

6 Free Websites Full of Athlete-Enhancing Goodness
If your first thought upon seeing this post’s title was, “But Jim, why do I need anything but the CORE1 blog?” Then pat yourself on the...

Off-Season Training Secrets
Does your coach cringe when he sees you after the off-season? 😉 Never fear. We’ve got you covered with off-season training secrets that...
Don’t Forget To Measure Your Leap Before Jump Training
Are you training to jump higher? When you are a serious athlete, you know that it is very important that you track the way that you are...
Focused Training Can Help Drive Your Performance Forward
How do you train? Do you train with intention and focus? Or do you train like many athletes and simply go through the motions? There are...
What Are Your Athletic Training Goals?
How do you train right now? Do you have goals for each training session? Do you have long term training goals, too? If not, you may be...
Intense Training Can Be Fun!
How often do you engage in a truly intense workout? If you’re like many athletes it’s easy to get into a rut. You do the same training...
Using Your Training To Prepare You for the Next Level of Competition
It’s extremely important to make sure that your training program is matched to your sports and athletic goals. Fitness buffs and other...
Identify Your Weaknesses to Build a Training Plan
The best way for athletes to become better performers is to train, of course. Visualization techniques and better nutrition will...
Take Your Game To The Next Level
Being a skillful athlete will make you competitive, but customized sports enhancement training is what makes elite athletes elite. Take...
Knee Pain in High School Runners Linked to Hip Strength Imbalances
Patellofemoral pain (PFP), or “runner’s knee”, can occur in athletes who put heavy stress on their knees. The pain is characterized by a...
Handling Small Sports Injuries- Downers Grove Physical Therapy Can Help
Athletes suffer injuries all the time. Fortunately not all of them require a trip to the emergency room or an extended visit with a...
Complex Training in Downers Grove
An athlete gearing up for competition is most likely familiar with the term complex training. Just as the name indicates it is a...
Think golf isn’t a sport? Tell that to Tiger Woods.
Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to golf-related sports injuries. The extreme level of torque applied to the core of the...
New Laws Require Coaches to Undergo Training to Identify Symptoms of a Concussion
Across the past few years, many states have passed laws to help prevent concussions in high school athletes. Specifically, most laws...
Common Goal Setting
Our Downers Grove physical therapy programs are individualized for every athlete we treat. They are tailored to their athletic injury...
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