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Coming Off The Bench With New Strength
The mind is a powerful weapon!
Getting Over Yourself, And Getting Out There
Get Your Mind Right – Mental Focus Performance anxiety is a challenge that affects many young athletes, and can often become an issue...
Focusing on Possibility With Sports Performance
One of the most feared injuries that any athlete can suffer is damage to the ACL. This ligament is responsible for stability in the knee...
Eating Habits That Can Help You Excel
One of the biggest problems that junior high and high school athletes can run into when it comes to nutrition is the idea that there is a...
Injuries Are Not Just Events In Time
Many student athletes will approach injuries as though they are isolated events. You have probably had the experience of getting hurt,...
The Power Behind Your Performance
Core strength is vital to any athletic ability. One of the problems that many young athletes will run into is that many core exercises...
Rising Above Your Competition
Improving functional skills can sometimes be one of the hardest parts of any training. This is often because the drills that are used in...
Faster, Stronger, Better
Every young athlete is always working to improve skills in order to compete better. Although one of the benefits to training hard through...
Functional Movements Can Help Athletes Heal
The use of physical therapy for a better path to healing has been widely recognized throughout the medical community. This type of...
Body Physics And How This Affects Your Performance
One of the traits that all really great athletes share is a strong degree of body awareness and an understanding of body mechanics. The...
Strength Is A Full Body Function
At Core1Inc., our strength training programs cover a number of concepts and activities, so that along with functional exercises, you will...
Getting Into The Mental Game
What Goes On In Your Mind? Have you ever really thought about what is going on in your head, as you practice, or as you get ready for a...
Building Better Bodies (One Injury At A Time)
Sports physical therapy in Downers Grove is one of our main points of focus at Core1Inc. Along with sports enhancement training, we are...
How Do You Get The Whole Package?
Being in great shape or being a great athlete can be an extreme sense of pride for many youths, and it can also mean that you are an...
The Power To Move You
Core1Inc. has been giving young athletes the chance to experience great strength training in Downers Grove in a way that can apply to a...
Amping Up Activities For Outstanding Sports Performance
You may have heard about the idea of neuroplasticity in your biology classes. The general concept is that as you learn and work your...
Healing As An Action And A State Of Mind
Physical therapy as an action based treatment that can be used to speed healing and recovery. Although much of physical therapy in...
What Is Sports Enhancement Training (And How Can It Help You)?
The biggest difference between the two approaches is that athletic training is generally focused on a specific sport. While this type of...
The Real Strength From Within
The answer can be a combination of many factors, but they are all held together by the emotion of confidence. When you really believe in...
Healing Is A Process, Not An Event
One of the problems that we see a lot at Core 1 Inc. is that athletes can treat recovery like it is an event that just needs to be waited...
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