Part of customized, sports enhancement training is the development of an athlete’s mental skills. This incorporates confidence, focus and motivation. It deeply affects the performance level of an athlete and can literally make or break how well they perform.
Mental training cannot be underestimated, as there have been many athletes who have “psyched” themselves out of their sport because of a debilitating mental issue. Combining positive affirmations and imagery along with confidence building and goal setting, sets the stage for an athlete who is even more than just mentally prepared. Being able to move on when something bad happens, shake it off and continue with the next task with success makes, hands down, a superior athlete,
Any mental barrier that an athlete needs to overcome can be done with an enhanced training program, which works on helping them improve their attitude by adopting a healthy philosophy. This takes practice, exercise, commitment and dedication from an athlete.
A customized sports enhancement training program is going to work on skills which will help a perfectionist’s attitude, fear of failure and sometimes even fear of success. Mental preparedness including being able to manage stress and anxiety levels, positive self-talk, team building and finding a balance in life are all key components to an elite athlete’s amazing sports performance.