Knee injuries are one of the most common and potentially devastating afflictions that can plague athletes.
ACL injuries are particularly worrisome and disproportionately affect women basketball and soccer players.
Fortunately, the field of knee and ACL prevention training has grown by leaps and bounds across the past decade. From a preventative standpoint, certain stretching regimens – also known as neuromuscular training – can help by improving balance and boosting muscle strength.
In addition, when an athlete jumps, they way they land can make them more susceptible to a knee injury or a torn ACL. Specifically, it’s the “knock-kneed” position common to landing, as well as stopping or when making drastic movements, that can trigger a knee injury.
Of course, an athlete does not want to think about such things in the heat of competition, which is where effective training comes into play, by building up muscle memory over repeated activity, such that proper technique becomes second nature.
If you would like more information about ACL injuries and what you can do to help decrease your chances of suffering an injury please call or email us for a FREE session or consult.