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What Is Quickness And How Do You Get It?

What is quickness?

Before you can get involved in quickness training, you need to have a well developed idea of what quickness actually is and how it fits into your athletic performance.

Quickness can be thought of as similar to your physiological reflexes.

When a doctor taps on your knee with a hammer, an automatic motion follows.

The motion is so quick that there is no time to think about it.

In athletics, very few broad motions are translated into immediate action in this way, at least not for a very long time.

However, it’s the job of quickness to bridge the gap.

Quickness refers to the immediate, first phase of movement that takes place as soon as your window of opportunity opens.

It is, in many ways, the fastest and briefest part of any athletic movement.

You can also think of quickness training as being related to “explosive” movement.

When it comes to explosive movement, you are going from a standing start or idle position to a sudden, intense movement.

Quickness Training = "Explosiveness"

Therefore, quickness training will help you with the following:

– Reaction time; – “Explosive” movement; – Overall coordination; – Mental and spatial awareness.

There are some aspects to quickness that are not under our physical control.

However, much of what makes up quickness can be trained just like other aspects of athletics.

How can you undergo regimented quickness training that will really work?

There are many different approaches to training quickness, with different degrees of effectiveness.

Savvy Naperville athletes should not take any approach to quickness as the one and only truth.

Different approaches to this mysterious element of performance can work for different people.

One way to train quickness is through plyometric exercise.

The physiological structure of most plyometric exercises mean that they are fundamentally structured to take advantage of, and to realize improvements in, quickness.

Because quickness represents the tip of the iceberg when it comes to motion, most drills that are meant to build quickness last only for a matter of a few seconds.

Just as you can only sprint as hard as you can for a few seconds, “quickness” is only part of a few seconds of movement.

When it comes to training quickness, there are many aspects that go into understanding your current level of quickness and designing a program around that level.

To get the best athlete training near Naperville, talk to the experts at Core 1 Inc.

To you getting "Quick" Fast.

Jim and The CORE1 Crew.


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